Monday, May 5, 2014

How Korea Has Changed Us

Justin and I have been talking recently about ways in which living in Korea has impacted us. There are dozens more, for sure, and some we probably won't even realize until we're gone, but here are a few!

1. Garlic
Yes, you read that right. Garlic. One of our first days in Korea, the director of our school along with the vice principal, took us to an amazing beef barbecue restaurant.  They recommended several times that we try these whole garlic cloves, and finally, when I couldn’t avoid it any longer, I reluctantly ate one. As I prepared myself for the strong flavor and oncoming pain, I suddenly was reaching for more. Both Justin and I were amazed at the incredible taste of that grilled garlic. It has become one of our favorite things to eat at restaurants and at home!

2. Lasik
You can read about our Lasik adventure here. It is wonderful to never have to take out contacts or even think about where to pack solution and glasses for a plane trip. Enough said.

3. Church/Relationships with God
We praise God for all of our experiences in Korea. Our church here has been an immense blessing to us and we have both grown in our Faith - it's difficult to put it into words, but we are going to have a hard time saying goodbye to all of our brothers and sisters in Christ here!

4. Career Experience
So many employers want to hire people with experience. Coming to teach in Korea has not only given Justin two solid years of that experience, but has taught him how to work with all sorts of different situations and kids. For me, not wanting to necessarily teach has a career forever, I have found that I just adore young kids. Not that I didn’t like them before, of course, but I have learned how to relate to them so much better! We will always remember the kids we had during these two years and how they have forever impacted us.

5. Life-long friendships
We truly believe that we have built friendships here that will last a lifetime. This is yet another great reminder of how God always provides for us.

6. Savings
This list continues to really just describe ways in which God has provided for and blessed us. We didn’t come to Korea to save money, but for Justin to gain teaching experience and because we felt strongly that this was where God called us for this time in our lives. Being able to save for our future has been an added blessing along the way!

7. Family Relationships
We have amazing relationships with those in our family. Being away has made us appreciate them so much more, though. They have sacrificed for us even while we’ve been here – travelling, giving up time and money to help us and visit us.

8. Walking
We have gotten very used to walking everywhere – to work, the subway, to go to the grocery store, virtually everywhere – and we love it. We definitely miss our car and will be very thankful to have it back, but being able to walk to the ocean or a mountain within 20 minutes is priceless!

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