Friday, February 10, 2012

The Story Behind the Adventure

In mid-December 2011, Justin and I heard about an Overseas Teaching Placement Fair at the University of Northern Iowa.  After talking about whether going overseas was something that we were interested in, we decided to go for it.  The rest of December and January consisted of updating resumes, registering for the conference, and researching schools that would be attending the conference.  We had narrowed down the number of schools that we were interested in to about 25-30 schools.

The conference was held the first weekend of February, and Justin and his Mom made the long drive to Iowa.  We were told that Justin had about a 6% chance of getting a teaching job because I do not teach and because he hasn't had much experience yet.  On Friday, Justin was able to schedule 3 interviews for later that day.  The first two interviews went well, but nothing happened with those two.  His third interview ended up going very well, and the next morning, they asked him to come back for a second interview!  On Saturday he met again with the recruiters from Busan Foreign School in Busan, South Korea, and he was offered a job!

While neither of us have ever been to South Korea or even Asia, we are extremely excited for this opportunity that we have and are so confident that the Lord's hand was in all of this!  We continue to talk about how God has truly provided for us yet again, and how blessed we are to see so clearly what He has for us next.  We will be leaving in mid-August for this new adventure and can't wait to see what is in store for us!

Isaiah 6:8  Here am I.  Send me.