Saturday, October 6, 2012

Geumjeong Mountain

Justin and I have both seen some pretty amazing places in the world, but today we witnessed the immense beauty of this place we now call home.  We met up with a group from Church today and hiked the most popular hiking mountain in Busan - Geumjeong Mountain.  We had no idea what we were in for, but we were so pleasantly surprised!

Our first stop was Beomeosa Temple and a ton of statues.

After climbing pretty much straight up for roughly 2 hours, we came to a flat-ish spot where we stopped for a quick snack before going the rest of the way to the peak as well as to a Spring on the top of a rock.  We got to use ropes to climb up these rocks to see a wonderful view as well as the Spring.  It was pretty cool...something that would NEVER happen in the States.

The peak! So close!

It was a bit hazy, but still incredibly beautiful!

The Spring.

From there we went to the peak, which was absolutely incredible.  We climbed a bunch of stairs and got to climb around the rocks on top and saw a great 360 degree view of the mountains and part of Busan.

With Laura on the peak

We made it!!

View from the top

The peak

The North Gate at the Fortress

The Fortress Wall

For lunch we had Duck (unfortunately not photographed) and Korean side dishes and soup.  It was spicy but SO good.

We finally feel like we are taking advantage of where we live.  The next few weekends we have things planned as well, and we are so looking forward to soaking in some good, authentic Korean culture as we continue to explore! I think we both appreciate this beautiful city and country more and more, especially when we get to see it like we did today. We were in such awe of God's creation and how He has brought us to this place.  We still can't believe that we are getting to see and experience all of this! It's pretty incredible.  

Psalm 8:3-5     When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor.

1 comment:

  1. Oh what an awesome hike! And I love Korean food...jealous!
