Monday, July 7, 2014

Last Day in Venice

We got off the ship around 9:30 in the morning and took a vaparetto (basically a public water taxi) to the nearest stop by our hotel. We were graciously gifted a night in the Westin on the Grand Canal and were amazed by the room and the view for our last day!
The view from our hotel room
We spent the afternoon wandering the streets of Venice again. Our goal today was to find a bookstore that Justin had found online. We only had a picture of small map of where this place was, and through our best navigating we got ourselves to the right area, but from there we had no idea where to go. We picked a street and started walking, and thankfully, we just happened upon the store! This place was unlike any other bookstore, or any other kind of store period, that we’ve ever been to. Books are everywhere. Not just lots of shelves, but in every nook you can find. There are bathtubs full of books. Steps made out of books. Old maps (!!!!) and art are there as well. The back of the store leads to a canal that sometimes leaks water in when the water level is too high. It was awesome! Of course, we didn’t make it out without a purchase (or two). We found a really cool old picture of Venice, as well as a….wait for it….2000 piece puzzle of old Venice. That one should only take me a few days, right?
The bookstore!

 We finished our last evening in Venice by treating ourselves to some dessert – I had Nutella gelato and Justin had merengue!

Our vacation is wrapping up very nicely. We have thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of our trip, but are also anxious to get back and see everyone, as well as get adjusted to life back in the States.  Stay tuned for what's coming up next for us!

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