Crazy hair day
Maria had wire in her hair
love my kids! - Timothy, Maria, and Jade
Pajama day
Laura and I making cat faces like on our shirts
Sports Day - GO COLTS!
Timothy on Sports Day
Twin Day...
...make that Triplet Day
My triplets
Angry Birds Twins
BFS Spirit Day in all blue
The next several pictures are from Justin's class on International Day
Sophia and Sharin
Early Childhood in Justin's class
Pauline and Sydney (Pauline is French-Chinese, so she was the go-to girl in the class!)
My class didn't do International Day like the rest of the Elementary classes. We just finished our unit on Castles and Knights, so we displayed all of our projects out in the school lobby this week. Below are the pictures of what we made!
Swords hanging on our big castle, with smaller castles and treasure boxes on the floor
Our Dragon!!!
Breastplates and Helmets
Our whole display! We were so proud of our kids and their hard work on all of these projects!
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