Thursday, September 6, 2012

Meet the Teacher Night

All in all, Meet the Teacher Night was a successful night! I don't know why we keep getting nervous for things when they all turn out so well.

The first part of the evening was spent up on the "Sky Garden" (aka the roof) with snacks.  We mingled with each other and a few parents for a while and then headed down to our classrooms for presentations.  Since I only have two students, it was pretty simple for me.  Maria's Mom doesn't speak English, so she came in with a translator and just looked around for the most part.  Jade's parents, who I had already met, came in for about 10 minutes or so.  We just chatted and I explained our daily schedule and toured the room.

Justin's was a much busier night because he has so many students.  We are beginning to wonder if they will somehow split the class if it gets any bigger.  BFS generally has very small class sizes, so his class of 21 is pretty uncommon.  He is hoping to get some of the bigger furniture moved out because there is not much space left to move around. A lot of his parents were worried about the class size, but other than that, it went well!

Below are a few pictures of our rooms that are set up for the parents to see along with a few projects that my kiddos have completed.

Nursery School with some art hanging

Jade's projects

Justin's classroom

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